Health & Safety, Risk

Health & Safety

It is now generally accepted most well-run businesses are aiming for a 100% health and safety record. The clear moral responsibility of keeping staff safe at work, reputation issues and the huge cost of shutdown and other hidden costs are now widely recognised. Chris examines individual and group behaviours and thinking beyond procedures.

What you don’t know can hurt you — Video

What can clients expect?

Chris covers the following areas:

  • Ownership of safety and organisational health and safety
  • Culture and subculture issues
  • How to create multilevel ownership of safety
  • The importance of learning, sharing and not blaming
  • Why and how systems can sometimes fail
  • The psychology of safety and why people can do unsafe things
  • Creation of a 100% safety record – myth or reality



Chris Moon has survived several no-win situations and, as well as exceptional practical experience with inspiring and uplifting learning examples.

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Academic and sociological understanding

Chris also brings an academic and sociological understanding of risk from his MSc in Security Management.

  • Practical real-life experiences of risk assessment and management
  • The psychology of risk – how people behave and why
  • How to deal with a minefield of risk and uncertainty
  • The reason Chris became the world’s first amputee ultra distance runner, and after more than ten years is now faster than ever, is because he understands risk management.
  • Risk beyond the facts and figures – understanding human behaviour

“We appreciate how Chris took on board the objectives, interfaced effectively with the other presenters, worked to understand the culture, rising to meet the specific demands of seasoned Subsea & Pipeline Managers who have as they said, ‘been there before’. The feedback from the day has been very positive. Participants appreciated the themed stories, as enablers to digging into new ways of thinking about how we can reduce injuries. Well done.”

BP Health & Safety Event


“Fantastic talk Chris. Feedback has been universally positive. It has really challenged the way we think about risk.”

Barclays Bank Plc

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